Saturday, December 5, 2009

Rough Week

I hate when I take more than one day off. I almost always have trouble getting my momentum back. So after getting sick last week I got two workouts in and then I got distracted by many things, the last of being my car breaking down. The end result is that I skipped two days of workouts. I let myself get distracted, I could have gotten those workouts in. There is no way that my fitness is going to be anywhere near what I want it to be by February if I let myself have weeks like this one.

12-5-09 WOD
10 min: as many rounds as possible of 10 double-unders and 10 sit-ups
10 rounds

This workout wasn't too hard. I had trouble with my rhythm for the first 3-4 rounds, by the time I got to the 8th round I had lost it again. In the future I will probably use this workout as an aftercise when I want to feel the burn. I was also thinking of doing this same workout as a death by wod (starting at 1 each the first round and increasing by one for each of the following rounds) but with a 10 to 20 min time limit.

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