Monday, December 21, 2009

Another Hated Exercise

12-21-09 WOD
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: Row 250m, 21 sumo deadlift high-pull, 95lbs, 15 pull-ups
3 rounds, 250m rowed, 21 sdhp

This is a mainsite wod. When I first saw that I was going to do this wod I thought that it would be dominated by the sdhp. It was! I'm not that good at sdhp and worse when the weight goes up. I'm hoping that part of the problem was that I was doing them on a slant, but I always have problems with keeping my hands in a balanced position. The rows and pull-ups took just over a minute a round counting the transition. The sdhp took more than 3 minutes each time.

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