Saturday, December 19, 2009

12-19-09 WOD
10 min amrap of: 10 double-unders, 10 kettlebell swing, 1.5 pood
not rxed, 6.5 rounds

I accidentally set the timer for 9 minutes, so not rxed. This was an early morning get it done while you can workout. I changed my schedule around. I was originally going to do the pull-up workout today and a deadlift workout yesterday, but I had just done a deadlift workout and I knew I wouldn't be able to get pull-ups in today so I switched the pull-ups and made up this morning's wod.

We left town, so later I did a hotel workout of push-ups and sit-ups. I did push-ups by increasing by 1 each round starting from 1. I separated the push-up rounds with sit-up rounds of 5. I did 13 rounds. I should have attempted the 14th round. I would have failed by 10. When I do push-ups, I do technically sound push-ups. I go low (either chest or nose to the ground). I hate when I see people doing half push-ups for timed workouts such as Cindy or Angie.

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