Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Olympic Weight Training
Clean & Jerk 1x75%, 1x80%, 1x75%, 1x80%, 1x85%, Clean Pull 3x95%, 2x100%, 2x100%+5kg, Clean Shrug 5x100%+20kg, 3x100%+30kg from Mike's Gym
115lb , 125, 115, 125, 130, 160, 170, 180, 200, 220

I need to make sure that I'm not distracted when I do these workouts. I start talking to people and get cooled down and I lose focus. I felt good about the clean and jerks, but I had trouble with the clean shrugs. My left hand is tore up from the pull-up workout from last week. I could barely hold on the bar for the clean shrugs, so I think my shrugs were pretty weak.

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