Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Monday, January 11

7x 3min on 3min off
664m, 675, 670, 688, 721, 712, 702

It's hard for me to say wheather this was hard or not. I don't think the effort of the runs was hard but psychologically it was rough. This might sound weird but my socks were too tight. The socks have a little elastic area that wraps around the middle of the foot. I am sensitive to tight clothes, they make me feel constricted and uncomfortable. In November I bought some compression socks. When I tried them out with an easy run, I had to stop a half mile in because my calves and feet were so uncomfortable. Back in 2007 I was in a mountain bike race, and I actually stopped 2 miles in to take off my spandex bicycle shorts. Luckily it was an all male race and I had loose shorts on also. When I did that I some how knocked my gps off and didn't notice until I was 1/2 a mile down the trail. The trail was too small for me to ride back and look for it so I got off my bike and ran back to look for it. I never found the gps. When I ran back to my bike I was confusing the bikers ahead of me because the bike shoes were loud and I sounded like a two-legged horse.

1-11-10 WOD
Diane (21-15-9 of 225# DL, Handstand push-ups)
not rxed 35:43

Almost rxed it. I did the handstand push-ups onto a rolled up map (apx 2"). The deadlifts took about 5 minutes. A few of the push-ups were halvsies. I did 6 or 7 attempts for the last two.

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