Monday, January 25, 2010

Failed WOD

1-25-10 WOD
30 muscle-ups for time
10 muscle-ups in 30 minutes

Today I paid the price for neglecting my muscle-ups. I've done 2 in the last 2 months. So today I got 10 in about 21 minutes. My technique was shot. When I tried to kip I wasn't able to do it without losing control and start swinging. When I focused on my kip my arms would get too far apart and I would lose it, and when I would focus on keeping my arms together I would lose control of my kip. I am going to try to practice on my muscle-up before each wod. By the way, I've now done 59 muscle-ups.

5 OHS to 5 Push-Presses
45, 55, 60, 65, 70

I kept it easy tonight.

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