Friday, January 29, 2010

1-29-10 WOD
Nancy (5 rounds: 400m, 15 OHS 95#)
not rxed 14:20, PR

I kept this light at 35# cause I wanted to give my arm a rest. I last did this in April with only 15#. So at least I beat my old time by 14 seconds. I measured the distance with my bike as .25 miles, so it was slightly longer than rxed. The OHS was pretty easy. Quarter splits: 1:50.5, nt, 1:52.4, 1:51.7, 1:49.6. I'm happy that my splits are even, but I'd like to start seeing 1:40-5 again.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

1-28-10 WOD
2009 Nor Cal Regional Day 1 Workout A, 500m row, 30 burpees, 10 shoulder-to-overhead 165#
not rxed 5:55

I did this with the girls weight. I was supposed to do this wod yesterday and Helen on Tuesday, but I think that I injured my left arm on Monday. It just ached until I was carrying a very light box that was just slightly to long and slipped from my grip. As it was falling I tried to catch it and that is when I really did the damage. I spent the next 30min whimpering and running around trying to distract the pain. My left biceps (or brachialis?) is where it hurts. The best way that I can explain the pain is that it feels similar to how my forearms felt right after Helen except that the pain somehow feels likes an injury. I need to think about how I'm going to change up my training over the next week or so.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Failed WOD

1-25-10 WOD
30 muscle-ups for time
10 muscle-ups in 30 minutes

Today I paid the price for neglecting my muscle-ups. I've done 2 in the last 2 months. So today I got 10 in about 21 minutes. My technique was shot. When I tried to kip I wasn't able to do it without losing control and start swinging. When I focused on my kip my arms would get too far apart and I would lose it, and when I would focus on keeping my arms together I would lose control of my kip. I am going to try to practice on my muscle-up before each wod. By the way, I've now done 59 muscle-ups.

5 OHS to 5 Push-Presses
45, 55, 60, 65, 70

I kept it easy tonight.

Friday, January 22, 2010

1-22-10 WOD
20 minutes, do as many rounds as possible of: 5 handstand push-ups, 10 L pull-ups, 15 walking lunges
not rx'd 7 rounds

I did this wod back in November. At the time I did 6 rounds and 5 hspu. I did the hspu on to a foam roller. Today I did it on to a thin foam roller (apx. 2"). I could have done it as prescribed, but I probably would have gotten less than 3 rounds. The L pull-ups were the hardest part.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

1-20-10 WOD
2009 Nor Cal Regional Day 1 Workout A, 500m row, 30 burpees, 10 shoulder-to-overhead 165#
not rxed 6:54

I could have done this as rxed, but I wanted to compare it to the last time I did it. June 2nd- 14:25. I was a little down about my Fran time from yesterday, but I'm feeling much better now. I have also been having a tough time with my rowing lately, but I felt great on the row. I did a 1:51.1 even though I was trying to hold myself back. The burpees still sucked.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fran Fran

1-19-10 WOD

No pr. I was telling myself that I wasn't worried about getting a pr, but I'm bummed that I was 4 seconds slower. Its been like 3 months. I'm hoping that my fitness is better. I was experimenting, so I'm hoping that's why I was slower. I tried to not drop the bar during the thrusters. I made it through the round of 21, but I did drop it once for each of the other sets. I think I'd rather drop it and clean it again than hold it while resting. Holding it at my shoulders killed my wrists. When I finished the wod my wrists were throbbing.

Later: (light weight) Fran again
not rxed, 3:41

45#. I wanted to see how fast I could go. I filmed this wod. I lost about 42 seconds to rest, 3 during the thrusters and 39 during the pull-ups. My arms were failing me for the pull-ups. Even if my arms were fresh and I didn't rest and I picked up the pace on the thrusters I can't see that I would be able to break 2:30. I don't see that as being pessimistic, I just don't think that I can do it that fast.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Monday, January 18

Easy Week

I've decided to make this week a recovery week. I will just be doing one workout a day with the exception of tomorrow. I'm taking today off because my back is hurting. Technically its not my back that is hurting. I think that it may be my glute (max or medius) that is tweeked right at the origin. I had my wife help me work it out.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Wednesday, January 13

1-13-10 WOD

This is the first time that I completed this workout. The first time I feet or ankles were hurting me so I gave up on the jumping and just ran the 400s. The second time sucked so bad that I just gave up on after the third round. So today I sucked it up and finished it. I sucked and this workout sucks. The wallball was especially hard. I set up a target over my garage, the angle of the driveway was too much for me to keep my heels down and the result was worse accuracy than ever. It was a slow endeavor.

Extra Run- I ran with some of my sprinters to the local park and some of the hills with them, probably 2.5 to 3 miles total.

Extra Strength
Push Press 5-5-5-5-5
95, 105, 115, 120, 125

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Olympic Weightlifting
Clean & jerk 5x1 @ 65%, 70%, 75% 1x @ 77%, 79%, 81%, 83%, 85%
Snatch 80% 3x1
Front Squat x1
CJ105, 115, 125, 125, 130, 135, 135, 140

I think that both my clean and my jerk technique is improving. I've been slowing down my first pull and focusing on getting my knees out of the way for the second pull. On my second pull I've been trying to explode and get my shoulders back. When I rush I end up jumping forward. I didn't do much weight with the front squat, it felt weird doing it without the clean.

1-12-10 WOD
10 rounds for time of: 3 weighted pull-ups 45lbs, 5 strict pull-ups, 7 kipping pull-ups
not rxed, 24:57

So its been a month since I've done this wod. It's an intimidating workout. I upped the weighted pull-up to 20lbs, the extra 5 was a killer. My weighted pull-ups were awful for the last three rounds and my last round was just nasty. I wanted to break twenty but I was feeling the Oly workout from the first round. I'm just happy that I beat my time even if it was only 16 seconds.

Monday, January 11

7x 3min on 3min off
664m, 675, 670, 688, 721, 712, 702

It's hard for me to say wheather this was hard or not. I don't think the effort of the runs was hard but psychologically it was rough. This might sound weird but my socks were too tight. The socks have a little elastic area that wraps around the middle of the foot. I am sensitive to tight clothes, they make me feel constricted and uncomfortable. In November I bought some compression socks. When I tried them out with an easy run, I had to stop a half mile in because my calves and feet were so uncomfortable. Back in 2007 I was in a mountain bike race, and I actually stopped 2 miles in to take off my spandex bicycle shorts. Luckily it was an all male race and I had loose shorts on also. When I did that I some how knocked my gps off and didn't notice until I was 1/2 a mile down the trail. The trail was too small for me to ride back and look for it so I got off my bike and ran back to look for it. I never found the gps. When I ran back to my bike I was confusing the bikers ahead of me because the bike shoes were loud and I sounded like a two-legged horse.

1-11-10 WOD
Diane (21-15-9 of 225# DL, Handstand push-ups)
not rxed 35:43

Almost rxed it. I did the handstand push-ups onto a rolled up map (apx 2"). The deadlifts took about 5 minutes. A few of the push-ups were halvsies. I did 6 or 7 attempts for the last two.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

77 days

I found out this week that I have to work a track meet the day before the sectional competition. I'm the sprint coach for Clovis West High School and we are hosting a meet that friday. Luckily I will be the clerk of the course, which means I get to sit in the shade. The thing that sucks is that I won't be able to leave until 6 or 7. Then its a two and half hour drive to San Jose. It will probably be a 3 hour drive because I will need to stop and pee every twenty minutes. I will drink a lot of water at the meet. It will be good that I will be focusing on my athletes and not the competition.
1-9-10 WOD
Five rounds: 15 hang power cleans, 135lb, 30 push-ups
not rxed 27:32

Some people can clean as much from a hang position as from the floor. Those dudes are usually strong, have little technique, and can muscle there way through it. I'm not like that. I have decent technique (no where near perfect though), I'd rather start from the floor, and I have no problem going into the squat once I'm warmed up. So I had to drop the weight to 115. I think that I would have taken another 30 min or more if I'd done 135.

Friday, January 8, 2010

1-8-10 WOD
Row 1000m, 21 thrusters, 95lb, 21 pull-ups, row 750m, 15 thrusters, 15 pull-ups, row 500m, 9 thrusters, 9 pull-ups

Someone told me that this workout sucked. It did. I can't say that it's harder than Fran, but I'd rather suffer through a short Fran. The thrusters always suck, but more so after the row. The row is where I was suffering today. Today was one of those day in which I didn't have much motivation and I definitely wasn't feeling it, I just knew I had to get it done. I tried to go slower than usual on the row, two minute pace. I was suffering by 700. I could definitely feel the pull-up/dip workout from Wednesday.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Today and Yesterday

1-6-09 WOD
Thruster 5-5-5-5-5

I have balance issues when I do the thrusters. When I try to go fast I move the bar around my head instead of moving my head out of the way. I focused on my technique and did better on the heavier weight than the light ones.

Today: rest day

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Double day Make up

1-5-09 WOD 1 (yesterdays wod)
21 Deadlift, 225lb, run 800m, 15 DL, 800, 9 DL, 800

I dropped weight to 185. And picked up a workout partner, Mike at FTF. I made the mistake of running with him on the first run. By the second run I was wishing I had kept the weight just to slow me down and give me time to recover (I actually doubt that it would work). The last 800 was so hard. It was the hardest run I've had in months, I had one harder last year.

10 rounds of 10 pull-ups, 10 ring dips

I thought I was going sub 20. I finished the first round in 1 min but faded quickly in the dips.

Weakness: dips (and other pushes that require strength)
Strength: pull-ups, I have a strange stile of pull-up. I have never seen anyone else do pull-ups like I do. I do cyclical pull-ups, but they're not like the butterfly kip. I actually learned how to kip on the rings so my muscle-up kip and my pull-up kip are the same. My pull-ups are faster than the regular kip but slower than the butterfly, but much more powerful than the butterfly kip, and for me more powerful than regular kip as well. At 160lb I can generate a lot of power from my hips (see my profile picture) which means I don't use my arms as much. My limiting factor is usually my grip, not my arm strength.