Monday, February 1, 2010

Monday, February 1

6 mins of 100y on the 30s, 4 min rest, 4 mins of 100y on the 30s, 2 min rest, 2 mins of 100y on the 30s

This is a CrossFit Endurance workout. I did it with my sprinters, I reduced the first round to 6 mins from 8 mins and we did it on the feild so we did it in yards instead of meters. I found that it was challenging. What made it tough was that I was talking to my athletes as I ran.

2-1-10 WOD
1 min as many reps as possible:
Body weight deadlift
1 min as many reps as possible:
65lb shoulder press

I did 30 reps for the deadlift. I could have done 35-40 if I didn't re-grip. I did 23 reps for the shoulder press. I should have done more but I didn't. My arm held up well to both exercises. I think that I just need to stay away from explosive movements for a while.

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