Thursday, December 31, 2009

Wednesday, December 30

Overhead Sqaut 5-5-5-5-5
Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5
OHS 45, 55, 65, 75, 85, BS 5x185

I suck at overhead squats so went easy. Next time I will start at 85. I though I was going a little light with the back squats, but I had to really focus to keep good technique on the last two.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Olympic Weight Training
Max Snatch & Max Clean & Jerk
115, 165

I only tied my pr for the snatch. I don't think that I was warmed up enough. I later did the clean and jerk and to make sure that I stayed warm I practiced my double-unders in between attempts. I clean and jerk was 10 pounds heavier than my previous pr. The last two jerks were ugly.

I think I figured out my double-under problems. I was trying to keep my hands closer to my body to take stress off of my shoulders and arms, but it was actually messing up my rhythm. I was also using a heavier rope, I'm hoping that's not a big deal because I like my light weight rope. We'll see if it does me any good in a workout.

Bench Press 3x5 @ 135lb

12-29-09 WOD
Four Rounds for time: walking lunge 50m, sit-ups 5o reps
12:48 as rxed

I crushed my best time today, my last time was 15:57. I did my first round in less than 3 minutes but my sit-ups got slower and slower each round. Technically the lunge walk distance was a guestimate but I'm pretty sure it was longer than 50m.

Monday, December 28, 2009

89 days

12-28-09 WOD
5 rounds of: 95lb snatch, 15 reps, run 400m
not rx, broken into rounds with rest: 2:56, 3:00, 3:41, 4:57 ,6:55

I'm not to confident in my snatches when doing them for time. So I decided to increase the weight of the snatches each round starting at 55 and finishing with 95 instead of doing them all at 95. My recoveries were 2,3,4 and 5 minutes. When doing snatches for time I frequently have cramping issues in my lower back. Two reasons for the cramping; I let the bar get to far from me when doing snatches and my back is probably not strong enough. Today I started cramping in the 3rd round. By the time I got to the last set I had to slow down and them one at a time focusing on my technique.

I did feel good on the runs. I tried to use my garmin, but gps watches don't deal well with acceleration and 180 deg turns. I'm pretty sure that I was running at least an extra 20m at least.

Aftercise: I did a couple of muscle-ups. I have done any muscle-ups since I did the 30 for time

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Countdown: 91 days, Saturday

12-26-09 WOD
5 rounds of: 21 thrusters, 75lbs, 21 double-unders
not rxed, 20:58

This was the wod I was to do on Thursday. I substituted two 12kg kettlebells for the thrusters, I think that it was a pretty even trade. This time is super slow. I couldn't do double-unders to save my life. I decided to practice before I started. It took me a while to get in a grove but I was able to get 13 straight. By the time I got to the double-unders in the first round I couldn't get more than three in a row. Just three days before I was busting out 20 or more at the gym with no problem. I have a theory on why I've been sucking in the wods. I've been doing my wods in dark garages which are on a slope and for some reason I just can't get a good feel for the rhythm. When you add fatigue from the thrusters and I'm just pathetic.

Thursday, December 24, 2009


I changed things up yesterday. I was to do thrusters and double-unders today but I ran out of time so I workout with a client. I will try that workout on Christmas day.

60s on, 50s off, 60s on, 40s off, 60s on, 30s off, 60s on, 20s off, 60s on, 10s off, 60s on, 20s off, 60s on, 30s off, 60s on, 40s off, 60s on, 50s off, 60s on, a modified CrossFit Endurance workout
209m, 227, 230, 211, 224, 209, 228, 209, 274, 286

There was supposed to be one more run but my garmin would only program 20 laps. Next time we do this workout we'll shout for 230 or 240m. This workout was on not easy but the only it wasn't tough either. I think a good goal for me would be 260.

12-23-09 WOD
J.T. 21-15-9 reps of: Handstand push-ups, ring dips, push-ups
not rxed, no time

I did the first round with a client, but I let him scale it too much and he finished the whole thing before I finished my first round. So I stopped and did some extra core with my client. After, I finished the other two rounds. I screwed up the time, but my best guess is 22 minutes. Handstand push-ups (hspu) not rxed, I used a foam roller. I can do about two regular hspu. I got through about 12 mod hspu before I hit the wall.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Olympic Weight Training
Clean & Jerk 1x75%, 1x80%, 1x75%, 1x80%, 1x85%, Clean Pull 3x95%, 2x100%, 2x100%+5kg, Clean Shrug 5x100%+20kg, 3x100%+30kg from Mike's Gym
115lb , 125, 115, 125, 130, 160, 170, 180, 200, 220

I need to make sure that I'm not distracted when I do these workouts. I start talking to people and get cooled down and I lose focus. I felt good about the clean and jerks, but I had trouble with the clean shrugs. My left hand is tore up from the pull-up workout from last week. I could barely hold on the bar for the clean shrugs, so I think my shrugs were pretty weak.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Another Hated Exercise

12-21-09 WOD
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: Row 250m, 21 sumo deadlift high-pull, 95lbs, 15 pull-ups
3 rounds, 250m rowed, 21 sdhp

This is a mainsite wod. When I first saw that I was going to do this wod I thought that it would be dominated by the sdhp. It was! I'm not that good at sdhp and worse when the weight goes up. I'm hoping that part of the problem was that I was doing them on a slant, but I always have problems with keeping my hands in a balanced position. The rows and pull-ups took just over a minute a round counting the transition. The sdhp took more than 3 minutes each time.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

12-19-09 WOD
10 min amrap of: 10 double-unders, 10 kettlebell swing, 1.5 pood
not rxed, 6.5 rounds

I accidentally set the timer for 9 minutes, so not rxed. This was an early morning get it done while you can workout. I changed my schedule around. I was originally going to do the pull-up workout today and a deadlift workout yesterday, but I had just done a deadlift workout and I knew I wouldn't be able to get pull-ups in today so I switched the pull-ups and made up this morning's wod.

We left town, so later I did a hotel workout of push-ups and sit-ups. I did push-ups by increasing by 1 each round starting from 1. I separated the push-up rounds with sit-up rounds of 5. I did 13 rounds. I should have attempted the 14th round. I would have failed by 10. When I do push-ups, I do technically sound push-ups. I go low (either chest or nose to the ground). I hate when I see people doing half push-ups for timed workouts such as Cindy or Angie.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Smashing Old Times

12-18-09 WOD
10 rounds for time of: 3 weighted pull-ups 45lbs, 5 strict pull-ups, 7 kipping pull-ups
not rxed, 25:13

I am so excited! I just blew away my old time. Last time I did this workout I tried to substitute the weighted pull-ups for 5 extra pull-ups, but gave it up after two rounds. So I did just the strict and kipping pull-ups for the last eight rounds. Today I did the whole thing, but with 15lbs for the weighted pull-up. My time 3 months ago was 46:30. I dropped 20 minutes of my time while doing a harder version! I am pumped up and can't wait to do tomorrow's wod!

On the last round I ripped two calluses. It wasn't a painful as I thought it would be. I didn't even notice until I noticed the blood on the bar.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Rest Day

NorCal Sectional is now on March 27-28. I now have 21 more days to train. That will help me some, but truthfully I need a year or two get my strength to competitive levels.

Anyway, I decided to take today off. Thursdays are optional crossfit endurance days. My knees took a beating yesterday so I figured I'd keep off my feet today. I'm a relatively old guy (37) so its important for me to give my body time to recover.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hump Day

12-16-09 WOD
For time: 12 snatches, 75lbs, 16 thrusters, run 200m, 9 snatches, 75lbs, 12 thrusters, run 200m, 6 snatches, 75lbs, 8 thrusters, run 200m, 3 snatches, 75lbs, 4 thrusters, run 200m
Rxed 15:29

My wife and I made up this work out. I like it, but the weight should probably be 20lbs more. That being said, 20lbs would have killed me today. When I do these metcons with snatches and some times the ones with cleans, my lower back muscles have a tendency to lock up. Today it happened and because of it my run times were pathetic. I was in a hurry to start the workout so I didn't warmup properly. I'll have to make a mental note to warmup well and focus on loosening up my lower back next time.

CrossFit Football WOD
5 rounds for time of: 7 deadlifts, 315lbs, 21 double-unders
Not rxed 8:45

I did this with 250lbs. I did this in my garage and I used all the plates that we own. This was a good weight for me. I don't think I've done any deadlifts for at least a month. I think I was supposed to do some the week I got sick. My double-unders were much better today. My rhythm is still not on. I don't think that I strung more than 8 together. For some reason I think I'm spinning the rope too slow.

Extracise: Shoulder Press 5-5-5 and sit-ups/back extensions

I did 105 but had to push-press the last one. I was going to do 5 sets but I've had a long day so I cut it short. I would have had to drop the weight for a forth set.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Olympic Weight Training
Snatch 2x70%, 2x75%, 1x80, 2x75%, 2x80%, 1x85%
80, 85, 90, 85, 90, 100

I need to redo my snatch max. My max was 115lbs. I think that I can lift more, but it depends on how my technique is that day. I tend to have troubles on my second pull because I don't get my knees back on the first pull and tend to let the bar pull me forward. I like the snatch. I find it hard to perfect, but it feels good when done right.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Back to Business

So I am back to my full workout schedule. I took it easy last week and only did one workout a day. This week I am planning to do a wod Monday-Wednesday and Friday, Saturday, a CrossFit Endurance workout Monday and Thursday, a short Olympic lifting session on Tuesday and Saturday, a CrossFit Football workout on Wednesday and hopefully a little extra strength whenever possible. Today was my first successful day, I was able to get in both the run and the wod in.

6x 90sec on 90 sec off
368m, 390, 381, 388, 389, 406

It wasn't very fast but I was more consistent than I expected.

12-14-09 WOD
Four rounds of: 100ft Walking lunge, carrying 30lb DBs, 24" box jump, 30 reps, 30lbs weighted pull-ups, 20reps
Not Rxed 44:47

I only used 15lbs for the pull-ups, but they were hard. They took up the majority of the time, probably more than 30 minutes. I usually don't like box jumps, but today they were the easiest.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

12-12-09 WOD
Front Squat 5-5-5-5-5
95, 105, 115, 125, 135

I didn't lift very heavy today. We don't have a squat stand yet so I had to do clean the weight to squat it. This workout was to be a back squat workout, but front squats worked better. I've had a long week and the garage was cold so I started light and focused on my squat clean technique. I should have at least doubled my squats.

Friday, December 11, 2009

12-11-09 WOD
Kelly (modified) 10 rounds of run 200m, 15 box jumps, 24", 15 wall ball, 20lbs

13:03 not Rxed

It was raining so I substituted rows for the runs and then I pussed out and only did 5 rounds. I should have finished it. I have no excuses. With only 85 days left I can't afford to be a psychological wimp.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

2010 CrossFit Games Sectionals Announced

Rest Day

The CrossFit Games 2010 site is finally up and running. I will be competing in the NorCal Sectional March 6-7. That is 86 days away. That's not much time for me to prepare. It looks like CrossFit Oakland will be hosting the sectional. I don't know much about there programming but I will be checking out their site daily for the next couple of months. As I've said before my biggest weakness will be my strength, so I'm guessing that their wods will tend to favor stronger people. Even if thats not the case I need to throw in a little bias towards the strength and work on my diet. I just need to be consistent with my eating and eat more.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


12-9-09 WOD
Annie 50-40-30-20-10 double-unders, sit-ups

I was 34 seconds slower than the last time I did this. I should've practiced a little before I started. I couldn't string more than 6 together. I just couldn't get a rhythm. By the time I did get a bit of a rhythm it was the last set and I was too fatigued to keep it.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Starting Over

12-7-09 WOD
Walking lunge 100ft, 21 pull-ups, 21 sit-ups, Walking lunge 100ft, 18 pull-ups, 18 sit-ups, Walking lunge 100ft, 15 pull-ups, 15 sit-ups, Walking lunge 100ft, 12 pull-ups, 12 sit-ups, Walking lunge 100ft, 9 pull-ups, 9 sit-ups, Walking lunge 100ft, 6 pull-ups, 6 sit-ups

Its been a while since I've done a lot of pull-ups, they took a lot out of me today. I last did this in August, I beat my last time by 32 seconds.

So I've got one day in the books. Its amazing how good a workout can feel. I just need to get a few more workouts in and then I back in the grove. As long I don't take more than one day off I can usually keep a good streak going.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Rough Week

I hate when I take more than one day off. I almost always have trouble getting my momentum back. So after getting sick last week I got two workouts in and then I got distracted by many things, the last of being my car breaking down. The end result is that I skipped two days of workouts. I let myself get distracted, I could have gotten those workouts in. There is no way that my fitness is going to be anywhere near what I want it to be by February if I let myself have weeks like this one.

12-5-09 WOD
10 min: as many rounds as possible of 10 double-unders and 10 sit-ups
10 rounds

This workout wasn't too hard. I had trouble with my rhythm for the first 3-4 rounds, by the time I got to the 8th round I had lost it again. In the future I will probably use this workout as an aftercise when I want to feel the burn. I was also thinking of doing this same workout as a death by wod (starting at 1 each the first round and increasing by one for each of the following rounds) but with a 10 to 20 min time limit.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Olympic Weight Training

I'm working on my snatch technique. I hurt myself last week because I didn't activate my shoulders on a warm-up lift. I was trying to pull myself under the bar and in doing so let the weight get too far back and in the process of losing it I almost dislocated my shoulder. Dislocating a shoulder sucks. Mel Gibson made it look like it only hurt at the time, but your shoulder can hurt for days. Since starting CrossFit my shoulders have become much stronger, and I haven't yet dislocated it. In the past I've dislocated while doing v-ups, my arm got too far back and popped out. Today I had the opposite problem. I was having trouble getting under the weight because I was trying to lockout my shoulders before I got under the weight.