Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sleep Depravation

I got about five hours of sleep last night. I was so tired that when I realized that I had extra time I took a 10 min nap before heading out. I've always needed at least 7.5 hours a night, but when I'm doing intense workouts I need at least 8.5 hours.

Olympic Weigth Training
Snatch 5x2@75%

Did not do well on this one. I aggravated an old shoulder injury because I'm sleep deprived and I wasn't paying attention. I didn't lock out my shoulders at the bottom of one of my warmup snatches and almost hyper-extended my left shoulder as I lost the weight behind me. It took me so long to get the snatches in that I decided to drop the 5x 2 front squats and 1 clean jerk.

11-24-09 WOD
Micheal 3 rounds of 800m, 50 back extensions, 50 sit-ups
not rx'd, 20:24

I did this at home, so I did abmat sit-ups and "superman" style back extensions. My runs felt good and my times improved each round.

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