Training for the CrossFit Games
A Strange Plan
A little over a year ago I decided to do a little experiment. I wanted to find out what it was like to be out of shape. I was 35 and had never spent any prolonged period with out training for something. So after my wife and I got back from our vacation I decided to stop training. I had been training all year for the Master’s World Track and Field Championships so I was pretty fit at the time. We're a little demented because we plan a lot of trips around exercise. So after 14 months of de-training I am now in the worst shape of my life.
A Formal Conclusion from an Informal Study
Being out of shape sucks!
Return to the Fit Life
In this blog I will share my workouts and some of the reasoning behind what I'm doing. I can't wait to be in shape again. If you've never been in shape before, try it. The hardest part is the first week. Start off slow at first. You'll probably be sore from the first workouts. Just remember that sore muscles are growing muscles. It will get better and many people start to enjoy the mild soreness that comes with a challenging workout. Personally I've always been bad at taking it easy, so I won't even try this time.
My Disclaimer
Everything is relative, I am in the worst shape of my life, but in comparison to the general population my fitness levels are still pretty high. So when you see pictures of me you'll see a skinny guy who is pretty good at hiding his new found gut.